What are the topmost do and don’ts of Indian restaurant table manners?

If you love having Indian food, then it is important to know more about the same. As the Indian culture is so rich and different in itself, so is the Indian dining etiquette. Before you visit the Indian Restaurant Terrigal it is important to be aware of Indian restaurant table manners. This way when you visit the Grand pavilion, the best Indian Restaurant in Sydney, your dining experience will be on-point. Here are some of the do’s and don’ts which need to be mindful about:


  • Wash the hands

Well! It is the most basic one and makes sure that you follow it. It is important to maintain proper hygiene and make sure when you have your food in the Indian dining culture you wash your hands before the meal. Even after you are done with the meal, wash your hands.Indian dinning etiquetteUse fingers and not the whole hand

In Indian dining culture, you will not see the use of knives and forks. No doubt, for liquid dishes like curry or soup you need to use a spoon. Apart from that, you need to eat your food with your fingers. The way you eat your food will make a difference in the people who are around you. So, make sure that you pick the food with your fingertips and do not use your entire hands.

  • Share your food

Sharing is caring and that is what the Indian dining culture is all about. When you are dining with a group you need to share your dishes with others. We are not saying that you need to share from your plate but you need to share it from the bowl.


  • Expect courses

Indian dining culture is different and you will notice that all the dishes are brought at the same time, sometimes there is an exception. It is up to you whether you want to help yourself or ask the staff to serve you.

  • Leaving the table

Do not make this mistake as you don’t have to leave the table until everyone is done with their meal.

  • Use the left hand

While eating your food, you need to use your right hand only. You need to keep your left hand dry and use it to pass the bowl or drink water. You need to keep the left hand clean, otherwise, it is considered offensive.

  • Waste food

You should not waste food. If you are not sure about a particular dish then try to put a small portion of the same. Do not fill your plate at one go and in the end, you are not able to eat it. So, put that much which you are sure you can finish.

Make your Indian dining experience fun

So, these are some of the basic things which you need to consider while dining at an Indian restaurant. To make your experience way better and exciting, visit the Grand pavilion. Give us the chance to serve you the utmost delightful dishes and in the most comforting environment.

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