Everything you should know about CRISPY BUTTER CHICKEN & its recipe

We all are huge fans of crispy butter chicken. The smoothness of the butter along with the crispy taste of the chicken, make you experience heaven. This variety of chicken gets cooked in just 30 minutes.

Easy to make & Tasty to eat

This recipe is something which you can surely enjoy during the weeknights. This can be the favourite recipe for mothers who do not want to make a huge meal during the weekends. The preparation of the recipe is easy to do.

Which thing are you going to love the most about the recipe?

You are surely going to love almost all the aspects of the recipe.

  • This recipe is easy to make
  • This recipe does not take much time
  • It fills your tummy
  • It kills your hunger and satisfies your taste buds
  • It is healthy and nutritious with the power of so many healthy ingredients.

How can you make this recipe?

  • STEP 1:

Until you are doing some preparations, preheat the oven.

  • STEP 2:

Take two bowls. In one of your bowls, whisk the eggs properly and in the other bowl put some of the cracker crumbs.

  • STEP 3:

Now after you take out the chicken, make sure it is dry. If it is moist, then make sure you pat it with a dry towel. It will help you to soak the excessive water.

  • STEP 4:

Once the chicken is covered, now dredge it in the breadcrumbs mixture. Make sure that the chicken pieces are thoroughly being covered and coated with the crumbs.

  • STEP5:

Now place the chicken in a single layer in the baking dish. Also do not forget to brush the baking sheet with oil.

  • STEP 6:

Now slice the cubes of the butter and put it around the chicken. It will give you the nice flavour of the butter which you can enjoy along with the chicken.

  • STEP 7:

It’s baking time. Put the entire thing in the oven and let it be baked for 30 minutes.

No more steps, my buddy! It’s time for you to enjoy the chicken.

What if you have different flavour specifications?

You may be having different specifications for the flavours. Everybody has! So here a few tips with which you can make the flavour as delectable as it can be:


IF you are a cajun lover, then you can surely enjoy the taste of cajun in the crispy butter chicken. HOW? You have to do just a simple thing. You just need to add the cajun seasonings in the breadcrumbs. So when you coat the chicken with the crumbs, you can get it coated with the cajun seasoning as well.

  • Garlic Butter LOVERS

Melt the cubes of the butter as per your specification and then mix it with the garlic powder. Make sure to incorporate this step before you put the dish in the oven.

  • Cheese LOVERS

I Guess! Everybody is a cheese lover! So to induce the creamy and yummy texture of the cheese in the chicken, incorporate it in the breadcrumbs.

What to eat with the CRISPY BUTTER CHICKEN?

Everyone needs a partner. Even the crispy butter chicken also needs one. To accompany it with a side dish you can consider the following:

  • Rainbow Roasted Vegetables

Veggies can never catch the attraction of anyone. But this kind of side dish can contribute to making your chicken experience a special one.

  • Something to do with the potatoes

Are you a potato lover? If yes, then you must try out the mashed potatoes which are made by including garlic as the hero ingredient.

  • Baked MAC and Cheese

Mac and cheese is a delightful dish that goes very well with the crispy butter chicken. The delicious taste of the mac and cheese merges so well with the butter.

  • Easy ColeSlaw

ColeSlaw is the tastiest and the easiest to make a recipe on eating which you will think why don’t you try it out every night.

Important Information

Not every chicken is fit to be eaten. But the ones which are named as the broilers are considered suitable for consumption.

Know some facts and tips

  • Do not keep it on the room temperature

If you have kept the cooked chicken out for two hours, then I am extremely sorry, but you cannot consume it.

  • You can preserve it for three days

You can consider consuming the chicken after 3 days of refrigeration. If you consider extending that period beyond, then I am sorry to say, “ You can’t do it”. As it gets worse in the quality.

  • Frozen chicken

If you want to extend it beyond three days, then you can preserve the cooked chicken in the airtight container for about 4 months.

So when are you going to try this recipe at home, a restaurant or in a cafe? Do share the pics at our social media handles. We shall be very happy to encourage you by posting your pic as our loyal visitors.

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